Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bila mana tidur anda terganggu kerana hal kerja ketahui lah its about time to give up.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Written memories


Its been a while. Phewww.

Pejam celik pejam celik dah march 2014. God. Seriously.  Cepat kan masa berlalu. Another 3 quarter to go. Chill.

My bestfriend-gadoh-bestfriend balik dah kawin. I takde ramai friend apatah lagi bestfriend so bila bestfriend dah tukar status ni I felt a bit lost. Yelah, nanti nak kongsi masalah dengan siapa iye dak?

Hehe. But mak ok je. Life must go on what.

Mak ok je. *lap air mata*

New phase for me will begin soon. Again, another company another position. I pun tak paham apa yang I carik apa yang fit dengan jiwa I. Dan I sungguh tak paham kenapa lah cepat nau bosan dengan keje. Tapi I fikir masa muda ni lah nak eksperimen.

Kata nak live life to the fullest konon kan. Baru tuka environtment dah nak chicken out ke. Leklu. Sap kok lu. Long way to go. Kalau sekarang dah kalut risau apa orang pikir apa mau makan. Macam mana itu macam mana ini then kita akan set boundaries. Our own boundaries in fact. So mana point live life to the fullest nye.

Admit. I pun risau takut I take the wrong route. Tougher route. Tapi tak cuba I tak tahu. I taknak mati buat benda yang I tak value. I tak excited. I felt like I kena kurung dalam kotak locked and people throw away kunci dalam laut.

mummy risau I tak boleh bear with the stress all that. I bet so too. Haha. But kamon. Too early to judge me ladies. Macam dulu I tak pernah independant. Macam dulu I tak pernah keje kuat. Kamon. I need to live my life. I shouldn't live other people's life.

I want to be happy. Just be happy.

Mummy, I love you and I cant even tell how much I love you. But this time I choose to take this route. Jalan yang sarat duri. I wish you could understand. I wish you will always there if I need a hug. I love you and I know you love me too. Because I love you, I want to be happy. I want to smile. Because I know my happiness is yours.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Korea trip 2013


Today I mc. Fever. Sob sob

Wanna blog pasal trip ke korea last month. Yes people. Last month. Bukan last week. I balik2 je terus keje uols. Tak sempat nak cerita apetah lagi nak blog. Hehe

Actually I takde lah kpop sangat. So I felt a bit annoyed kalau orang chop I pegi korea sebab nak jumpa artis. Kenapa ntah. Hehe. So guys, I tak pergi korea sebab nak jumpe artis ke ape ke ye. I pegi melancong.

Masa I pegi that day just started autumn. Autumn after summer before winter. So dia macam tak panas tak sejuk. Just nice.

Sepanjang I kat sana I experience a lot of good thing especially pasal gaya hidup sihat. Hehe. Geli tak? Kat malaysia taknak belajar. Maybe the reason kat sini people breakfast nasi lemak teh tarik lunch nasi kukus nescafe dinner nasi beriyani :)

And my favorite drink was WAS okay. Was coke. Sigh. How tak healthy hidup I kan. In korea they all got natural filter so dorang bole minum tap water. Tak payah susah2 beli filter. So every kedai makan we all pegi they just serve tap water. Nak ngada2 bole order lain. Kalau tak just minum je tap water. Funny thing is even pegi kedai thai ke Morocco ke semua hidang tap water. Pegi kedai malaysia, back to teh tarik. Hehe

Maybe I dah biasa makan fancy2 thing kat malaysia so makanan korea not so me. Tawar dan selalu nya too fresh. Ikan pun makan boleh rasa air laut tak fresh lagi tak tahu lah. I tried kimchii sotong. Sangat sedap. :)

Korean walaupun dorang late 80s dorang still sangat kuat still bole hiking dan slim. They claimed sebab dorang makan kimchii. So makan lah kimchii sotong banyak2. Hehe.

Every country ada kelebihan sendiri. And this korea I learn how to makan secara sihat. Hidup sihat.

I like korea. Make up skin care product there seriusly so cheap. Owh. I full luggage dengan make up je. Haha. They have their own kecil2 punya designer. I beli a few baju kat sana. Sangat cantik dan selesa pakai. Harga not bad. Around 14k won each. Tips : everytime purchase something jangan convert back to ringgit. Just imagine korang ada 50 ringgit beli baju 14 ringgit. Nicer right? Sebab sana won worth three times ringgit. So everything u buy is three times lah.

Another must buy item. BANANA MILK. 3200 won each. Taste great. Owh in korea banana consider as imported fruit. Hehe. So siapa yang makan banana they was like huyooooooo. Makan bananaaaaaaaaaa. Hehe. Kat malaysia berlambak. Kesian pulak tengok.

Thats it for now people. I taw cerita tak abes. Hehe. I nak rehat kejap. This fever is killing me. I need rest.

Till then. xoxo

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Warm up entry


Huish lama gila tak menulis. Its three in the morning nok. Gila ape tetbe feeling nak menulis kan.

Its been a while people. :)

Hahahahaha. Rindu gila. Kalau dulu semua benda nak cerita. Semua benda nak taip nak share. Sekarang dah banyak pendam. Dah banyak let go. Dah banyak berubah. *ehem*

Mungkin sebab that day I pakai bb so menaip nye hazab nok. Screen kecik entri pun bole tulis sikit je. Sekarang dah upgrade phone moga2 ada kelancaran lah hendak nya. Ecewahh.

Owh lupa nak khabar. I just get back from korea! Dengan duit gaji I sendiri ok. Itu paling penting. Tak main lah pau duit mummy. Korea was a great memories tapi I tak nak letak gambar bole? Rajin2 pegi lah tengok kat fesbuk ya. Kalau I rajin I buat satu entri pasal that trip. Kalau rajin lah.

Planning on the next trip already. Most probably beijing. Sape nak join bagitaw awal2 I nak bajet. Kalau tak nak ikut sudah. Tak kuasa I nak paksa. But it is good to go on travel dan kenal negara orang culture orang. From there u boleh value ourselves. What we actually better and what we can improves.

So I sarankan u ols rajin2 lah travel. Ok silap. Rajin2 lah menabung so that bole pegi travel. Habis duit memang habis duit tapi something yang I pun tak boleh describe in words will immediately replace perasaan kuciwa duit habis tu.

At least I boleh bagitaw orang I have been in korea before. At least kan.

I tak boleh tido. Banyak benda yang I pikir tapi I tak tahu macam mana nak tulis. Maybe sebab tu lah I decide untuk menulis balik. Some what menulis akan bikin hati I lega a bit. Sebelum I menaip tadi I baca balik entry lama. Tak semua lah. Entry yang I sendiri pun geli I tak baca. Hahahahaha

Bila I baca balik I can see myself growing. Daripada anak kecik yang sekecil kecil isu I nak cerita kepada musim patah hati kepada saat workaholic terus kepada sahabat sejati. Putus sahabat private blog public balik pendam rasa sampai lah kepada kekeliruan identiti.

I can see myself growing. Changing. Tak kesah lah change to a better person ke tak ke yang pasti I boleh nampak. So I was thinking, why did I stop write it down? I kena tulis so that later bila I tetbe sedar from a longgggg longggg dream I bole baca balik and see how actually I develop my story. :)

Tapi for now I nak cerita ini je dulu. Pelan2 kayuh nok. Tak boleh nak buat semua sekali gus. Hopefully u guys bole bagi I motivasi. Hahaha. I pun nak taw jugak ade ke orang baca blog ni? Kalau takde bole I cerita detail sikit kalau ada I nak beware siap2. Hahahahaha

Till meet again loves. xoxo.


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